Saturday, May 3, 2014

Sitting Across A Glass Wall

Other day I was wondering how a tragedy can make people change, the ones you thought were your friends may no longer be the ones standing with you in time of suffering and tragedy { as I wrote before Tragedy changes your life, your calendar and also your phonebook } . More I think about it, more I feel that reason might be the 'pain' that comes with it . Many of them do not want pain that will come with you , for a simple reason that  they also might end up feeling your pain and suffering.

Many a times it feels like watching people from distance, many of old faces you knew seem so distant, so far away that even if you want to, you can not reach out to them. However sad and cruel it may sound , one has to accept the fact that it’s a glass wall, and you are standing with few people {who have understanding of what pain is} on this side of glass wall, while others on the other side of wall will never understand, because they have not experienced such pain in their life. Or May be It is just too difficult  for them to comprehend that what has happened. 

If God is up there, watching us, why is this all suffering on the earth? why so many children who are born with disease, why so many parents who despite having children suffer, why a person who have never harmed anyone and fulfill their duties suffers, where as others who are criminal, have all the vices, and do not leave a single chance to hurt everyone around them continue to prosper and live a happy life. This is so beyond my understanding.

Past life or “purva janam ke karam”, I am told. How in the world God decides to punish based on our past life { If at all there was one }, no judicial system in world punishes someone without establishing the nature of crime or charges {except dictators} so is God a dictator? He even does not tell people the crime they have committed and yet punishes them, is that what people call God’s justice.

Some say learn to look at big picture, believe me, I want to. I sometimes try to hard to look at big picture or big plan as they say. But again my mind asks me, is this fair? How can be a higher purpose of taking away the right to see the world? If God can not allow a child to spread her/his wings and explore the world why bring him on the earth in first place.

No religion, no Guru, no book {of what I have read till now has any answer} no explanation at all. All I am asked to do is just believe... with no question asked of course.

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